When you want to launch a new or updated website, it is not just the domain or website address that is important – how your website is hosted and designed should be at the top of your list to research!
Understanding the difference between domain, hosting, and website files can be tough to understand for those of us that are challenged technically. I have found that the best way to explain the difference is with an analogy to where you live…
- Street Address = Domain/URL/Website Address
- House = Hosting
- Furniture = Website Design & Files

Without all three of these things, your website will not work. The choices you make about them all will have consequences on how effectively your website loads, works, generates business and shows up in search engine results.
When making decisions about a domain name, hosting and web design be sure to review the seven “sins” below. If you follow these guidelines, you can be sure that you are making good decisions.
Sin | Domains | Hosting | Web Design |
Gluttony | Overindulging on the number of characters in your domain name is most definitely a sin. Typing a long domain name on a smartphone is frustrating for anyone! | Saving money on hosting is a gluttonous mistake. Cheap hosting equates to a slow website which equates to prospects giving up on your website. | Do not overindulge on bad and cheap imagery. A low-quality image on your home page can be the difference between a prospect reading more and moving onto your competitor. There are great options for copyright free pictures on www.pexels.com. |
Greed | Domain companies are getting very greedy when it comes to selling domain names. Keywords and extensions can define the cost of purchase. If you have budget available and can purchase your domain for at least 2 years, you will get the best possible price. | It is difficult not to get greedy on hosting…the better the hosting, the speedier and more protected your website will be. However, there are a lot of added features that you may not need to begin with, so research and review before you purchase. | Being in business means you have the entrepreneurial spirit to make money. When starting out, make sure you do not over-extend or get greedy on the number of pages on your website. Keep it relatively simple and easy to navigate for your potential customer. Adding and growing your website will align with the success of your business. |
Sloth | Do not be apathetic when it comes to the research you do on your domain name. Make sure your website address makes sense and is memorable! | Completing feature research on hosting will stand you in good stead. Being apathetic about security and hosting management will mean your site might be hacked. | Once your web designer asks you to review your site, do not be apathetic about checking and double-checking text, images, buttons, and links. ONE bad link can be the end of a new customer. |
Wrath | Don’t get angry when someone else owns your “perfect” website address. There are lots of different extensions now, one might better suit your new business. | If you find an excellent hosting company, you will never have to get angry and frustrated with their support. Make sure they offer phone (most important), chat, FAQ, and forum support options. | Creative people are sometimes challenging. Your web designer needs to not just be creative, but also needs to understand what your prospective clients need to get from your website. So don’t get frustrated when they have their creative hat on, as any good designer will swiftly change to business hat when needed! |
Envy | I love and desire a perfect domain name for each of my own websites and for my client websites. A GREAT domain name can drive people to your website and increase business | I desire to never have to worry about my website being down or offline. A good monitoring services such as UpTimeRobot.com is a great way to be constantly check your website. | If you envy your competitors’ websites and think they are perfect, you are probably wrong. A perfect website is nearly impossible. There will always be tweaks, updates, changes, things you do not like, and there will always be someone who does not like your website as much as you. |
Pride | You are going to be typing, saying, and discussing your domain a lot in the future, so make sure you are proud of your website address and that it will not embarrass your business. | I am proud to say who my hosting company is and I would recommend them to all our clients. Their service and support are phenomenal. | As we all know, pride comes before a fall! So, when working with a web designer, be prepared. Have your domain and hosting purchased and read. If you have a logo already, be sure you have all the design files. If your web designer is sourcing images and writing text for you, be sure to supply them with plenty of pointers on what your expectations are. |
Lust | Okay, Lust is a tough one when it comes to domain names, but longing to have great traffic just because of your domain name is a great achievement. | When it comes to hosting, you lust for speed, support and features that meet your company’s specific needs for your website. | Your web designer should be passionate about designing incredible websites and wants your website to generate as much business for you as possible. You should not entertain anything less. |
How do these ideas answer your questions about domain names, hosting, and web design?
By applying the ideas alongside the needs of your business, your website will build trust with your prospects, educate, inform, and nurture them and finally capture their information and convert those prospects into paying customers!
About the Author
Alyson Stasek is the owner of The Little Web Design Shop, LLC based in Mount Olive, Mississippi. The Web Design Shop works with small businesses to help them with their online identity, website, social media, marketing, and search engine optimization.
Essentially, The Web Design Shop helps small businesses to grow, succeed and to develop an online identity and brand that will take them into the future. This can include helping right from the beginning and the initial concept for a company. Services include designing of a logo, writing a business plan, domain & hosting purchases, email, and set up social media accounts, in addition to web design, development and marketing support.
The road is long, and full of distractions and hazards. Let The Little Web Design Shop help guide you and support you.
www.WebDesignShop.us | Office 601 667 0009 | info@WebDesignShop.us

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